
Cyberbullying: What It Is, Where It’s Happening & What Parents Should Know
Cyberbullying is a growing concern for parents as kids face online harassment on social media, gaming platforms, and more. This blog explores what cyberbullying looks like, its impact on children, and actionable steps parents can take to protect their kids, including using tools like OurPact.

Join the Phone Free Friday Summer Challenge and Help Your Teenagers Take Back Their Time and Their Childhood
The first iPhone was created in 2007, and there is now over 15 years’ worth of data for doctors and psychologists to study the negative effects smartphone usage is having on kids. The evidence clearly shows that excessive screen time is unquestionably causing...

Healthy Screen Habits for Kids: Tips for Managing Gadgets & Technology
Guest Blog: Cyber Safety Cop Clayton Cranford For parents looking to deepen their understanding of how to foster healthy screen habits in their children, the recent Cyber Safety Cop webinar titled "Digital Balance: Nurturing Healthy Screen Habits in...

Reconnecting in a Disconnected World: The Vital Role of Parental Engagement and Community Building
The Need for Parental Engagement and Community Building Authors: Dazia Wallerson, Sebastian Steinbach, Katty Lau - Members of Heed The Children Movement Our Children Are Hurting In an era dominated by social media and digital connectivity, we find ourselves in a...

OurPact Announces Partnership with the Cyber Safety Cop Clayton Cranford, a National Authority on Social Media and Child Safety
The leading parental control app will reach parents nationwide who are looking to keep their kids safe online through educational campaigns media appearances with the foremost expert on child safety, social media, and online threat assessments. As the dangers and...

Safeguarding Children Online: Smart Strategies Against Hackers and Scammers
In the dynamic digital playground of today, the lines between reality and the virtual world are increasingly blurred, especially for our youngest ‘netizens.’ As parents, it’s our mission to equip our children with the savvy to navigate this realm with confidence and...

Raising Screen-Savvy Kids: How Parents Can Foster Healthy Tech Habits
Navigate the challenges of parenting in the digital era by teaching your kids the value of a tech time-out. See how OurPact can be your ally in fostering healthy screen habits.

New Research Reveals the Frightening Impact Smartphones are Having on the Lives of Teenagers
Are you concerned about the impact smartphones are having on your teenager's life? You're not alone. Common Sense Media's recent research study “Constant Companion” sheds light on the way teens are using their phones, and the findings are both fascinating and...
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Cyberbullying: What It Is, Where It’s Happening & What Parents Should Know
Cyberbullying is a growing concern for parents as kids face online harassment on social media, gaming platforms, and more. This blog explores what cyberbullying looks like, its impact on children, and actionable steps parents can take to protect their kids, including using tools like OurPact.

Join the Phone Free Friday Summer Challenge and Help Your Teenagers Take Back Their Time and Their Childhood
The first iPhone was created in 2007, and there is now over 15 years’ worth of data for doctors and psychologists to study the negative effects smartphone usage is having on kids. The evidence clearly shows that excessive screen time is unquestionably causing...

Healthy Screen Habits for Kids: Tips for Managing Gadgets & Technology
Guest Blog: Cyber Safety Cop Clayton Cranford For parents looking to deepen their understanding of how to foster healthy screen habits in their children, the recent Cyber Safety Cop webinar titled "Digital Balance: Nurturing Healthy Screen Habits in...
Latest News

Cyberbullying: What It Is, Where It’s Happening & What Parents Should Know
Cyberbullying is a growing concern for parents as kids face online harassment on social media, gaming platforms, and more. This blog explores what cyberbullying looks like, its impact on children, and actionable steps parents can take to protect their kids, including using tools like OurPact.

Join the Phone Free Friday Summer Challenge and Help Your Teenagers Take Back Their Time and Their Childhood
The first iPhone was created in 2007, and there is now over 15 years’ worth of data for doctors and psychologists to study the negative effects smartphone usage is having on kids. The evidence clearly shows that excessive screen time is unquestionably causing...

Healthy Screen Habits for Kids: Tips for Managing Gadgets & Technology
Guest Blog: Cyber Safety Cop Clayton Cranford For parents looking to deepen their understanding of how to foster healthy screen habits in their children, the recent Cyber Safety Cop webinar titled "Digital Balance: Nurturing Healthy Screen Habits in...