Affiliate Special
Diane Passey, host of the Come Home To Peace Podcast
We are proud to partner with Diane Passey and are pleased to offer all Come Home To Peace listeners a very special discount on the OurPact parental control and family locator app.

Welcome to the Come Home to Peace Affliate Page
Welcome to the affiliate page for listeners of Diane Passey’s Come Home to Peace podcast. As an avid follower of Diane, we are proud to offer you a 10% discount on our Premium Plus subscription to the OurPact parental control and family locator app. This is our premium level of service that includes our proprietary View feature which allows you to see stored screen shots of your children’s devices for consistent monitoring and protection.
Gain peace of mind knowing you have visibility into your child’s online activity. Three separate views are available offering you the flexibility to best meet your needs.
Periodic Views allows you to receive on-going automated screenshots for consistent monitoring.
View-On-Demand provides instant screenshots into your child’s device, for ad hoc monitoring.
View Gallery allows for screenshots to be saved in your private gallery for up to two weeks to monitor on-going usage.
We take your child’s privacy very seriously and ensure each screen shot is highly encrypted with maximum security whereby only the parent may view their child’s screen shots. OurPact does not save subscriber’s profiles or device uses, nor do we save your data and sell to third parties.
Listen to the Come Home to Peace Podcast Episode with OurPact Client Melissa Merrill and See How the App Helped Her Stop a Sextortion Scam with her 14-Year-Old Son.
Episode 43: Interview with Melissa Merill: Protect Your Teen from Sextortion
Melissa Merrill shares her personal experience with sextortion, an increasingly common online predatory method. Listen to learn how you can protect your home and family from sextortionists.