Monitor & Manage Your Child’s Apple Devices with OurPact

#1 Parental Control & Family Locator App for iOS Devices.

Take control of your child’s screen time with OurPact. Effortlessly set daily limits, approve apps, create screen time schedules, monitor device activity, and track real-time location. Achieve the perfect balance between screen time and offline activities, ensuring a safe and healthy digital experience for your family.

OurPact Screen Time Allowance for iPads

Why Choose OurPact for Your Child’s iPad Management?

OurPact Phone and Tablet Parental Control App

OurPact empowers parents to achieve the ideal balance between screen time and offline activities for their children. With our comprehensive suite of features including screen time allowance, schedules, app rules, view, and family locator, you can effortlessly manage your child’s digital experience.

Set Daily Limits: Establish daily screen time allowances to ensure a healthy balance.

Screen Time Schedules: Create and enforce screen time schedules that fit your family’s routine.

Approve Apps: Decide which apps are accessible to your child, promoting safe and appropriate usage.

Monitor Device Activity: View screenshots of your child’s device to stay informed about their online activities.

Track Real-Time Location: Use our family locator to see your child’s current location and review their location history for added peace of mind.

Empower Your Parenting with Screen Time Allowance

OurPact’s iOS Screen Time Allowance is more than just a tool, it’s your partner in fostering healthy digital habits for your child. Take control of their screen time, promote balanced living, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with effective digital parenting. 

Effortless Control with Automatic Enforcement

Once you’ve set the screen time limits, OurPact takes care of the rest. Our automatic enforcement ensures that your rules are followed without constant supervision, giving you more time and less worry.

Simple and Intuitive Setup

Our user-friendly interface makes it easy to set up and manage screen time allowances. Whether you’re tech-savvy or a beginner, you’ll find our design straightforward and hassle-free.

Ready to Transform Your Child’s Screen Time?

Join thousands of parents who trust OurPact to manage their children’s digital habits. Sign up today and start creating a balanced and healthy digital environment for your family.


OurPact Parental Control App for iPads

What Parents Says


It works – My son has autism and I also split time with his dad- so we wanted a way for him to have a phone and be able to communicate with us at any time, but also didn’t want the phone to be a distraction at school. We also wanted to have control over the apps that he had access to, especially the internet. That was 6 years ago- and we’ve been using Ourpact ever since. His younger sister also has it on her phone now. I didn’t have any issues downloading the apps or upgrading.


Great app and easy to use! – I’ve been using this app since 2016, and it is super easy to control child’s device, when my child need extra time, I can also super easy to entered the time restriction. Highly recommended!


Brilliant! – Screen time for iPad has been so finicky for our family and changes don’t always sync. I had tried other app but this app solved our problems and has no issues syncing to the setting on my phone. I can turn off all apps when a child isn’t listening and I no longer have to go chasing up iPads thanks to the time limit. Thank you for all the work that’s gone into this.

Choose the Plan That’s Right for Your Family:


$6.99 monthly


$69.99 annually

(12 months at $5.83/mo.)

  • Unlimited Schedules
  • Screen Time Allowance
  • Unlimited Blocks & Grants
  • App Rules
  • App Alerts
  • Family Locator
  • Block & Allow Websites
  • Block Texting
  • Manage up to 20 devices

$9.99 monthly


$99.99 annually

(12 months at $8.33/mo.)

  • Periodic Screenshot View
  • View on Demand
  • View Gallery
  • View Categories
  • Unlimited Schedules
  • Customizable App Schedules
  • Screen Time Allowance
  • Unlimited Blocks & Grants
  • App Rules
  • App Alerts
  • Family Locator
  • Block & Allow Websites
  • Block Texting
  • Manage up to 20 devices